Remember on Monday, Memorial Day, we have Stroller Yoga at Funtastic Park at 9 and only one yoga class at 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.! Veterans practice free.
Sunday's classes are at 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Here is what you have been asking for - each class explained! Detailed Class List is as follows:
Tuesday, May 28 - August 13:
5:30 a.m. Great Yoga Early Morning Workout - If you need to get your workout in and then scoot off to work, this is an amazing class just for you!
9:00 a.m. Kids' Story Time Yoga with Micah - Fun games, character building story, and yoga poses for you and your child. $7.50 for kids and parents practice free.
12:00 p.m. - Easy, Easy Yoga - to prevent or help with arthritis, build bone density, and activate your metabolism.
4:00 p.m. Glow and Glisten Yoga - this practice is sweat producing, energy building, and core strengthening just for you to ramp up your calorie burning for the end of the day.
6:00 p.m. Happy Hips and Hamstrings - tight hips? tight hamstrings? lower back issues? Jeanne will incorporate all of her training to make yoga beneficial for you.
5:30 a.m. Mid-Week Workout with Yoga Strengthen and Stretch - this class is designed to strengthen and then work on flexibility.
12:00 p.m. Any Way You Like It! - in this hour long yoga time, you get to choose what you want the class to be about. For example: some people ask for shoulders or hips, others ask for hamstrings and Achilles tendons. Then, I make up the yoga practice to target your area of concern.
5:30 p.m. Iron Yoga - due to the holidays being often on Mondays, we have moved yoga workout with light hand-weights to our Wednesday power hour. This is a fantastic workout with upper body strengthening and lower body movement.
6:40 p.m. Micah's Marvelous Flexibility Yoga - if Downward Facing Dog is a pose you need to work on, Micah will teach you the foundation and basic concepts of it to build onto your yoga stretch/strength.
5:30 a.m. Yoga Early Bird Workout for Chest and Shoulders - posture issues are addressed in this early morning chest opening/shoulder strengthening class.
12:00 p.m. Easy, Easy Yoga - 55 minutes of yoga with the advantage of a chair, joint rotation, range of motion practice, and light weights 1 - 2 pounds for strength building along with yoga standing postures. The last 5 minutes is for quiet meditation on the chair or on the floor with the knees and feet on the chair.
4:00 p.m. Glow and Glisten - Alyssa is almost complete in her mentoring process that began earlier this year. She is teaching today an awesome class for Vinyasa Flow yoga and movement. Amazing workout!
6:00 p.m. Chest Opening and Shoulder Stretch and Strengthen - Many times we pull or tear shoulder muscles because they are not strong. Our chest may be too tight, and our back may be too loose along with the shoulder weakness. This causes the stooped upper back position and often our head will also jut forward. Come and see how this class will benefit you!
5:30 a.m. Yoga for Runners, Cyclists, and More - even if running is not your thing, this practice will be. It is fun, moving, and an active way to get your yoga groove on for T.G.I.F.
12:00 p.m. Yoga for Back Health - back strength without pain is motivating for all of us. Come and spend a great hour strengthening and lengthening the back, chest, and core musculature.
5:30 p.m. Modified Astanga Power Yoga - each week this is a fun, happy, sweat producing workout early on Friday evening, and once a month we have a cookout/potluck dinner to enjoy community building afterwards. Our next dinner is June 7th!
7:30 a.m. Yoga with Weights - bring light hand weights to this practice early on Saturday morning for an active Vinyasa Flow using dynamic movement and isometric holds. We tone the lower and upper body along with the torso in this class.
9:00 a.m. Core Flow Yoga for Beginners - even if you are not a beginner, this is a good 60 minutes of yoga forward folding, standing postures, seated postures, balancing, and more! If the time works for you, get on your mat. You can always ramp it up for more or modify it for less.
10:30 a.m. Workshop Course for How to Begin a Yoga Practice - next Saturday we will work on seated postures and learn how to meditate. If you think this is too easy for you, accept my challenge to come and see what a difference yoga will make in your life!
2:30 p.m. Blaklee's favorite: Yoga Isn't for Sissies! - Blaklee has practiced with us since I taught at All American in 2007. She loves this Sunday afternoon workout to get a work in. Join us for Sun Salutes and more today at 2:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Yoga for Family (Ages 10 and up) Beginner's Flow Yoga - this is an easy, modified class for everyone to enjoy as blocks, straps, blankets, and lots of instruction follow the flowing sections. Yoga is truly for every body, size, and age!
Monday, June 3, because tomorrow is Memorial Day (with a modified schedule):
5:30 a.m. Get Your Week Going Great! Early Morning Workout Yoga - if you work in Tulsa or just enjoy getting your yoga practice in before your run, this class is growing! Thank you, early birds, for being so faithful to keep this practice on the schedule. It is my favorite time of the day as I enjoy getting up and moving while the sun comes up!
9:00 a.m. Stroller Yoga at Funtastic Island Park - every time I am asked to start a class, I will give it 4 - 6 weeks to grow. This is a $7.50 class or punch your card with 45 minutes of walking and 15 minutes of yoga stretch. Last week, we achieved 3.1 miles and had a great visit with our stretch. Even with no baby to push in a stroller, you can strap on your tennis shoes, and have a personal certified trainer get you going on a walking program.
12:00 p.m. Noon Yoga for Core and Posture Improvement - as all poses are core poses and posture is an integral part of every one's well-being, this 60 minute workout is a abdominal and back from Friday's class is revisited for all of our yogis and yoginis who enjoy an active flow with movement, twists, and tone.
5:30 p.m. Power Up Yoga with Twists - postures that twist are excellent for the core, legs, arms, and back. We call it Yoga Chikitsa. You will practice approximately 10 salutations and add the pose/counter pose to each standing posture. It will be a challenge, and you will feel amazing afterwards.
6:40 p.m. Flexibility Yoga for Lower Back Health - as I study to add onto my certifications with a 1,000 hour yoga therapy program, I learn so much on how to help you help yourself with a better back and less pain. No, it will not happen overnight, but flexibility/mobility training works. Join us and give it the gift of time!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Don't forget to get your $60 in before next Saturday if you plan to join the challenge. Friday, May 31st, is the deadline for Yoga Is Fun!
Jeanne K