- Root Chakra - Muladhara (color red)
- Home and Foundation of physical body
- Yoga to stabilize and strengthen our energy focusing on feet, legs, and pelvis
- Affirmation: I feel at home in my body.
- Essential oils: Cloves and Cypress
- Yoga Poses: Tree, Standing Forward Fold, Downward Facing Dog
- Sacral Chakra - Svadhistana (color orange)
- Energetic center of creativity, sensuality, and joy of life
- Yoga to stabilize and activate below the navel in the front and sacrum in the back body
- Affirmation: I enjoy life with all my senses.
- Essential oils: Orange, Vanilla, and Myrrh
- Yoga Poses: Bridge Pose, Bound Angle, Pelvic tilts with Bridge and Cat Cow
- Manipura Chakra - "City of Jewels" Solar Plexus (color yellow)
- Abdominal strength to protect the lower back
- Yoga for confidence, fire of transformation, digestion
- Affirmation: I use my inner strength to make the world a better place.
- Essential oils: Lemon, Chamomile, Lavender
- Yoga Poses: Boat Pose, Leg Lift with optional knee bend, Low Boat
- Anahata Chakra - Heart Center "Unstruck Sound" (color green)
- Empathy, compassion, kindness
- Bridge between lower body and upper body chakras or energy centers
- Affirmation: I give and receive with an open heart.
- Essential oils: Jasmine, Rose, Tarragon
- Yoga Poses: Locust, Flying Locust, and Half Bow/Full Bow
- Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (color turquoise blue)
- Home of speech and communication; freedom to express oneself
- Finding the balance between too much and too little - Yoga helps!
- Affirmation: I use the power of words to make the world a better place.
- Essential oils: Peppermint and Eucalyptus
- Yoga Poses: Lion's Pose, Bee Breath, Singing your favorite song (:
- Center of Eyebrows (aka Third Eye) - Ajna (color sapphire blue)
- Wisdom, insight, and intuition
- Close to the Pituitary gland - Command Center of all glands
- Affirmation: I listen to my inner voice.
- Essential oils: Lemongrass and Violet
- Yoga Poses: Alternate Nostril Breathing, Inversions: Headstand, Handstand, and Forearm Stand (We did not practice these advanced poses because it was a beginner level class.), Meditation
- Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (color violet changing to white)
- Connection with God
- 1,000 petal lotus flower - growing from darkness to the light
- Affirmation: I open myself to God. Psalm 46:10
- Essential oils: Rosewood
- Yoga Poses: Final Relaxation and Meditation
Our next Aroma Therapy class will be November 5th on Thursday at 6:45 p.m. "Yoga for Immunity."