Saturday, March 16, 2019

40,000,000 Americans Struggle with Anxiety

I have learned so much.
About anxiety.
About depression.
About autism.
About social phobias.
And the more I learn, the more teachable I become.

Yoga uses the breath on the exhale to release and let go.
When you cannot control your emotional response.
Remember to breathe out.

Yin Yoga and Meditation is on Saturday (and on Friday) at 10:45 am.  I am very excited about learning how to release anxiety, depression, …. with quieting and stillness.

Come be teachable.  Even if it doesn't relate directly to you.  Someone in your life will be dealing with it.  Just telling them to RELAX does not work.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Strengthen the Core; Defy those Odds for Age Limitations

Approval Addiction...I get it. I could say, "#metoo."  When you have survived abuse, whether it is verbal, emotional, sexual, physical beatings, become addicted to approval.
However, core strengthening postures can engage the navel chakra, known as House of Jewels, "manipura chakra."  
Practice these poses for core:
  • Boat Pose - Low Boat and High Boat
  • Stand up, sit down, stand up again - try not to use your arms
  • Leg Lifts Posture
  • Standing Balancing as you bring the knee towards the chest
  • Chair Pose
  • Planks - Side Plank, Forearm Plank, Kneeling or Full Prone Planks
  • Twisting Postures as you inhale to lengthen then twist on the exhale
  • Cat/Cow with no need to move the neck, just the torso
  • Spinal Balance
  • Warriors with lifting the lower abdominals and bringing the pelvis to neutral
You don't need to be a certain size, age, or ability level to add these into your physical practice.
Use the mantra, "I am confident and courageous," with Alternate Nostril Breath.
This works.

Riding the Wave with Breathe, Release, Feel, Witness, Allow

My son, Jeff, surfing the waves in California "Riding the Wave requires a lot of energy and can make us fill depleted.  Refill y...