Friday, July 31, 2009

Recommending Boomer Yoga by Beryl Bender Birch

Here is a recommendation for a great book that you might consider reading! I just finished it and found it to be very thought provoking!
As an AARP member and Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance, I would like to recommend the book Boomer Yoga by Beryl Bender Birch. This book is an excellent adaptation for people over 50 of the athletic yoga practice called Astanga Yoga. Mrs. Birch modifies the poses to enable men and women of all ages and body types to enjoy yoga therapy. Teaching yoga has truly revolutionized my own life, and I believe that it will change the members associated with your organization.
Boomer Yoga also delves into the whole teaching of yoga of which asanas or yoga postures are only a part. Pranayama or breathing techniques are discussed, yamas (moral practices) and niyamas (observances) are brought into focus, and most importantly, the teaching on learning to withdraw your senses, concentrate, and live in the present moment. These areas of yoga are not often taught in many yoga books, but they are so vital to us as human beings in an ever-changing world.
Beryl says, "The message from the Universe seems to be: spend less, quiet down, find contentment in simple things, and meditate more." This is truth for our generation as we are learning through our nation's economy, war involvement, and state of crisis to find peace and truth by living in the present moment and by letting go of the attachments we have made to the status quo of living at a level beyond ourselves. I believe the fifty plus adults will be touched by her message and given the opportunity to find what the Dalai Lama considers to be our goal - happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne, I'm so excited you have a blog! You should check out for some really cute backgrounds. The instructions are easy to follow, and it's fun to play around with them.

    Hope to see pictures from your trip!


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