Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Yoga - the Ability to Approve of Oneself

One of the many things I appreciate about yoga is learning to APPROVE of yourself.  It is the journey of self-discovery.  So often in life, we seek people's approval, all the while ignoring or simply forgetting that God is the Source for our identity.  
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people?"  Galatians 1:10a
When I find the balance between steadiness and ease, strength and flexibility, too much and too little on the yoga mat, I discover a new way to accept and approve of how my body is working.  As I bring my breath into a smooth cadence, my constant gaze forward, and my attention within, I feel approved.  It builds a feeling of worth and self-confidence into my being.
"The crazy life is oh so tempting....oh so tempting. It is tempting to go, go, go and prove, prove, prove and seek, seek, seek for apPROVE-al; isn't it?
It is tempting to do what everyone else is doing...and to make it shiny and sparkly and perfect and wonderful and to sacrifice anything and everything to make it so. It is oh-so-easy to get caught up in the competition...in the comparing...in the craziness of what it *seems* like everyone else is doing."  Brave Girls Club
When I come to my yoga mat, I know I am once again opening myself to the journey of self-acceptance, discovery of who I am with my meditation time and quieting my mind, and learning the curve of letting go.  

Won't you come, too? 

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