Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Join Our Fantasy Yoga League Contest! 31 Classes in 31 Days of October!

October 1 - 31st, Tranquility Yoga in Owasso is sponsoring a 31 classes for 31 days @ $31.00 (cash for new clients). Join us for a great Fantasy Yoga League contest, too! 
Pick your team, "Gentle Jiva Mukti," "Moderate Marichyasana," and "Vigorous Vrksasana," write your name on a ticket, and add $1 to the canister every time you come to class.
At the end of the month on Halloween, October 31st, we will draw one ticket from each canister. The Fantasy Yoga League winner receives ALL the money in his or her team's canister (perhaps to buy another yoga punch card or just to enjoy some "fun" cash). Jeanne K is adding money as well! Join us in getting back on the mat with our October Yoga Challenge. Yes, we are having class on Halloween!

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