Here are my Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations...
- I would write a book. I would tell my story and how yoga has made such a tremendous difference in self-acceptance, body image, and movement.
- I would travel more with my husband. Owning your own small business is a 24 hour commitment 7 days a week. In order to be gone for a day, I prepare at least one to two weeks ahead of time, hire subs, prepare the studio, find someone to clean the studio and do the daily bookkeeping, laundry, etc. Occasionally, having to cancel a class due to a family emergency makes me feel awful, and I always want to be as punctual and prepared for the people I serve. I love my Tranquility business, but traveling would be a new adventure.
- I would go back to Kripalu. It is no secret that I have treasured my yoga training there; and the atmosphere is such a blessing to me for quiet reflection, healthy eating, and learning more about what I love.
- I would see my grandchildren at least once a month. Even though some of them live far away. All 8 of them bring me such joy!
- I would accomplish my dream of becoming a yoga therapist. Some people imagine that the attainment of this great aspiration would make my life complete, but I will continue to learn, grow, and study. When you work with helping to heal people's bodies, you can never know enough about it. I am very appreciative of Everyone Yoga School in Tulsa and the opportunity to learn, grow, and serve.
- I would laugh more and worry less. Laughter is very healing, and worry or anxiety is very damaging. I am at the age and stage of life where more laughter seems like a better way to live, and anxiety has overstayed its welcome.
- I would read more. Now, this seems almost impossible seeing that I am already a voracious reader, but reading brings such pleasure.
- I would walk in nature more often. There is something so therapeutic about being outside, and I treasure the time I have with the quieting and listening aspect of long walks without an agenda.
- I would go shopping with my daughter. She loves to shop, and I do not. But being with her is such a blessing in my life. She shops, and I relish the time together.
- I would go out for coffee with my sons. Just listen and listen time. Sharing from the heart space.
- I would learn to quilt. I used to sew and loved my creativity. There is something so special about a normal day in which one uses the right side of the brain for making something out of spare parts. I used to say as a school teacher that when I do not grade papers any more, I would quilt. It is time.
- I would find the time to stroll the beach front, the lake front, or the creek. Water has been such a healing for me since I was a small child. My parents used to put me in my "Da's" boat to get me to sleep. The gentle movement of water lulls me into a peaceful state.
- I would eat better, weigh less, and exercise more. Because you can never do that too much. Especially if it is your hobby.
- I would spend less time on the computer, the television, and the phone. It robs us of quality time with our loved ones and friends.
- I would meditate and pray more. It adds years to your life and breath to your body.
- I would sleep better. I would not feel anxious about not sleeping. I would be able to take a nap or rest for hours. If you have never struggled with insomnia, it is difficult to understand this issue; if you have, enough said.
- I would realize that my last 60 years have been a road map of God's grace and mercy; thus, letting go of the shame, blame, and embarrassment of whatever and wherever. The next 40 years will be so much better if I can only let it go. Each day it is my goal to embrace the present and release the past.
- I would love my husband, children, grandchildren, and friends more. Because you can never love enough.
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