Sunday, December 23, 2018

It's the TRYING that heals you!

As I sat down in the reception room to read a book, I came across that phrase..."It's the trying that heals you."
It clicked.
I had an epiphany.
You see, none of us is really good at yoga.
None of us keep perfectly faithful to low carbs all the time.
Every one has Up days, Down days, and days we just don't feel as motivated or as energetic as we would like.
So, remember, "It's the trying that heals you."
Yoga people are the ones who just get back up the next day and try, try again.
So, if you suck at balancing.  Try some more.
If you gain instead of lose, today is a good day to start over.
If you mess up in twists and they are uncomfortable.  Keep on twisting.
If you ate too many carbs and feel bloated again, just begin again.
If you want to do the yoga poses, a body part is painful or resists your efforts, keep on moving it.
If you don't like to meditate, I get it.  Neither do I.  But, I keep on meditating.
If you think the breath practice is boring, keep on slowing down the exhale.  
If you imagine that yoga is a waste of your day, exercise is too time consuming, or cardio is just too hard, keep getting on your mat, putting on your tennis shoes, and setting aside that time.

It's the trying that heals you. Plant that tree now.  Stop procrastinating.

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