Friday, October 12, 2018

Weight Lifting: The Why's, the What's, and How Much?

Dear Friends,
Good Friday Morning!  Are you able to tell a difference yet?
I am finding that my clothes fit better, my energy level is up, and my mood is uplifted.
When we began this journey together, I set three daily requirements.
Modify your diet with counting the carbohydrates.
Let's talk about Moving:  Why's
When you lift weights you are benefitting your body:
  • Raising your metabolism
  • Strengthening your bones
  • Burning your fat fuel
  • Uplifting your confidence level
I have a wonderful class at noon today that does just that!  Come and practice Beginner's Yoga with Weights at 12 pm Fridays.  This class fills up fast.  Come early as doors open 15 minutes before the class starts.

·       Shoulder Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen the Anterior Deltoid
  • Shoulder Extension:  Purpose to strengthen the Latissimus Dorsi, and Posterior Deltoid – Crab Pose with Reverse Table and Lat Pull Down
·       Shoulder Abduction:  Purpose to strengthen the Middle Deltoid and Supraspinatus (Rotator Cuff muscle) – Lateral Raise with thumbs up shoulder height and Wand Exercise with stick
  •  Shoulder Adduction:  Purpose to strengthen the Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major, Teres Major - Chest Press and Cross Body Reach
·       Scapulae Retraction:  Purpose to open chest and strengthen Rhomboids and Middle Trapezius – Wall Push-ups and Reach/Pull with Elbow Bend
  • Scapulae Protraction:  Purpose to strengthen Pectoralis Major and Serratus Anterior – Chest Fly and Arms together at ¾ height “Charlie’s Angels”
·       Elbow Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen Biceps Brachii, Biceps Brachialis, Brachioradialis – Biceps Curl and Hammer Curl
·       Elbow Extension:  Purpose to strengthen Triceps – Tricep Extension and Tricep Kickback and Pectoralis Major – Frontal Raise and Shoulder Press
  • Trunk Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen the Rectus Abdominus and Obliques – Forward Bend safely with bent knees and Boat Pose with light hand-weights
·       Lateral Trunk Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen Obliques and Quadratus Lumborum (aka “QL’s”) – Triangle Pose with static hold and Side Plank
  • Trunk Extension:  Purpose to strengthen the Erector Spinae and Glute Muscles – Locust Pose and Cobra
·       Hip Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen Ilio-Psoas (Hip Flexor) - Warrior 4 and Knee to Chest
  • Hip Extension:  Purpose to strengthen Gluteus Maximus and Hamstrings – Bridge Pose and Tabletop with leg extension and knee bends
·       Hip Abduction:  Purpose to strengthen Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus – Half Balancing Moon and Tabletop with Fire Hydrant Dog
  • Hip Adduction:  Purpose to strengthen Adductor Magnus, Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, and Gracilis (inner thigh muscles) – Clam Pose and Chair Pose Squeeze with soft block or child’s soft ball
·       Knee Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps Femoris (Hamstrings) – Tabletop with Donkey Lift and Goddess Pose with Heel Lifts
  • Knee Extension:  Purpose to strengthen Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius, Rectus Femoris (Quads) – Standing Balancing Knee Lift and Extend
·       Ankle Plantar Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen Gastrocnemius and Soleus (Calf muscles) – Pointed Toe with Heel Lifts in Any Pose
  • Ankle Dorsi Flexion:  Purpose to strengthen the Tibialis Anterior and Fibularis or Peroneus Longus and Brevis – Flexed Foot with Toes back towards Shins with Heel Walking
How much do you lift?
I recommend 2, 3, or 5 lbs.  Lots of repetitions (10 - 15) and two sets.  Yoga Movement for Everyone.  If you are injured, lift lighter. Movement is slow tempo.  1, 2, 3, pause and release.  Swinging only creates an RSI.  So, does bad form.  Come let me teach you!  As a certified personal trainer, I know how to help.
  1. Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 5:45 pm
  2. Fridays at 12:00 pm
  3. Spin Classes on Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 am
  4. Spin Plus on Tuesday, Thursday at 10:30 am and 3:45 pm Sunday 
·      We need stronger pulling muscles for the shoulder girdle.
·      We need stronger back muscles to stand up straight.
·      We need stronger hamstrings and calves to pull the body up from forward folding.
·      We need resistance training with light weights and mindful movements to change.
Weight Lift with Me!  The Best Is Yet to Be!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Dear Fat Burning (instead of Carb Loading) Daily Food Intake,
I realized today that I have not had stomach bloating and issues for over one week.
I have not had to take any of the over the counter tummy medication.
I still miss my crackers, but not as much.
Thank you for helping me see that there is another way to look at food instead of "calories in; calories out."
Jeanne, The Happy Yogini
-P.S. For years I was a proud vegetarian, but I often felt like I was outrunning, out-cycling, out-exercising, out yoga-ing the fork.  
I convinced myself that meat was the problem.  
So, I slowly but surely eliminated it from my diet.  Occasionally, I might eat some, but never missed it.  
Bottom line, there just might be something to this way of eating that works.  Now, I get my protein from:
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Chicken and Seafood
  • and my fats from Avocado, butter (the real stuff -- not the plastic margarine), and coconut oil
And no tummy troubles.
This might just work. 
  • Phase One:  Panic about eating fat and research resources to make sure it is okay
  • Phase Two:  Play around with carbohydrate intake:  How little can I eat?  How many vegetables can I get away with?  Who knew there were so many carbs?
  • Phase Three:  Start consuming Keto Lemonade (recipe below) to help with the "Keto Flu" like symptoms
  • Phase Four:  Bliss as intense hunger is gone, more energy, weight is beginning to drop, more of a balanced mood
  • Phase Five:  Naturally fall into intermittent fasting, perhaps switch meal times to find optimal energy
Author of the book, 
LeAnne Vogel, The Keto Diet says:  "When I started out on a higher protein, fat loading diet, I found that I went through five phases of adjusting to the new eating style.  These phases seem to be pretty common for people making the switch from a 'high carb, low fat diet' to a 'high fat, low carb diet.'  
Of course if you are concerned about anything, definitely chat with your health-care provider."

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Movement is Good for the Brain

Sometimes we are only interested in the calorie burning effects of exercise, but perhaps we should change that thought from a "punishment" to an enjoyment factor.  I work out because it makes me feel better.  When I was heavier in the 1990's, I struggled with depression.  I took medication to help with the depression. Now, my daily workout, my morning quiet, my yoga, and my community building create my own sense of well-being without the medication. I no longer see my workout time as a form of trying to stay ahead of the calorie intake, I actually see it as play.  Just as a child laughs it off when they fall down, I tell myself, "It's only a practice, it is not a performance." I get to do this, I don't have to do it.  Then, I give my calendar a star!

Can you think of it as "Play?" Every movement is a happier one.

Carb Counting

Technically, we are restricting one thing (carbs between 20 and 50 grams per day) and adding more of many other concepts (more protein, more healthy fats, more exercise with cardio, more yoga, more quieting of the mind, more good quality sleep, more rest).  

The way we used to eat, perhaps, was eating too many carbs, too many fats, maybe not enough protein, and weight gain occurred.  Now, we are not prescribing to a specific diet, but we are...

Lowering our total or net carbs each day.  Just that concept.
Perhaps you are used to starting the day with oatmeal and brown sugar, having a sandwich for lunch or a salad with cranberries and crackers, and ending the day with a dinner roll, a baked potato, corn, and a steak.  Even if you are restricting your calorie count, your total carbs for three meals might exceed 350+ grams for one day.

Since October 1st you are measuring and counting carbohydrates, have changed to burning fat for fuel instead of sugar for fuel.  You are becoming more aware of what you are using to power your body for a day.  You are exercising consistently.  While we are not counting calories, we are focusing on eating healthy, moving, meditating or praying or journaling, and reducing inflammation in our body.  

Feeling better is what we aim for each day with less inflammation. Creating the habit of awareness, movement, and self-discipline.
Looking Good is the Bonus!

Change is hard! My goal has been to change my own habits, and also to help you along the way.  I want to feel better...bottom line.  I think you do, too!
When you feel better, you radiate a positive attitude.  People enjoy being around you.  Simply put, it's good karma.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Move It! Measure It! Meditate!

Charting our daily movement.
Writing down or using an app for daily food measurement.
Finding a mantra to meditate on a positive thought.

Question for the today:

Net carbs = total carbohydrate count minus the fiber
Total carbs = no fiber counted

One cup of cooked broccoli, for instance, has 11.2 grams of total carbohydrate, and 5.1 grams of fiber. 
So, to calculate net carbs: 11.2 total grams carbohydrate (digestible and indigestible carbs) minus 5.1 grams of fiber (indigestible carbs) equals 6.1 grams net carbs (digestible carbs that elevate blood sugar) ….Diabetes website

There are varying opinions on both sides of the net and total carb count theories.  Ask your physician about your own personal journey.  Ask a nutrition expert or dietician what you should do.  Do your own research. 

But, remember this very important concept.

Over-eating sets us up to gain the weight back.  When we cut back on our portion sizes, read labels, measure, and eat mindfully with a slow pace...we will keep the weight off.  Quick fixes have bad results for the most part.  In my opinion, that is why the "DIET" industry keeps making so much money.

The weight-loss industry is a $40 billion
industry--as fat as those who've made it grow, because they couldn't control their eating habits.

So, let's move our bodies...10,000 steps, 30-60 minutes of heart healthy exercise, daily yoga practice, meditation and quieting the mind with a positive mantra, sleeping well, and feeling better this last 90 days of 2018.

Riding the Wave with Breathe, Release, Feel, Witness, Allow

My son, Jeff, surfing the waves in California "Riding the Wave requires a lot of energy and can make us fill depleted.  Refill y...