Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sleep, Secret Sauce for Weight Loss

Warm milk with nutmeg helps with sleep!

  1. One hour before bed - no electronics, no blue light, no email check, perhaps you might read a book with regular lamp light, talk to your significant other or spouse, go for a slow walk or just gaze at the stars and moon.  Calm. Easy.  Slow down.  Blue light robs the natural melatonin produced by the body.
  2. Let your liver your biggest meal when the sun is at its highest peak.  That is when your digestive fire or agni is at its best.
  3. Dark room, cool air, but warm body; quiet or white noise
  4. Use essential oils, like Lavender, Bergamot, Serenity*, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, and Frankincense.  I diffuse them and put them on my feet.  Vetiver is also recommended, but I personally don't care for it.
  5. I use the Ayurvedic concept of body massage with coconut oilYou could also use sesame oil, but I caution Pitta dosha to go for coconut oil.  I place the oils on my feet and then use the massage oil on top
  6. For twenty minutes before you go to sleep, set your Insight timer or clock, practice meditation and breath in a seated position or Legs Up the Wall pose.  Slow, diaphragmatic breath or Box Breath (see below)
  7. No aerobic exercise after 7 pm.  This is why I do not teach or practice or offer power yoga or flow yoga after 7 pm.  This is not a good way to induce sleep. Aerobic exercise would include the treadmill, the spin bike, an exercise video, or anything that ramps up the heart rate.
  8. Be careful with your conversations and thoughts.  Things seem more fearful and more worrisome at night.  This is not the time for a serious or heated discussion with anyone.  Start your mantra early and proceed with "peaceful, calm."
  9. No caffeinated drinks after lunchDrink water, chamomile tea, warm milk with nutmeg to help you sleep.
  10. Get some sunshine each day.  Just 20 minutes of time outside will help with pineal gland activity.
  11. Easy does it on sleep medication.  My dad was a pharmacist, and I am not against medication.  However, our bodies can become dependent on them, and then we will need to take a higher dosage.  I have a real story in my own life, and while I am not proud of it, I share to help others see how prescribed medication can lead to more anxiety. I have not taken the medication for over a year now.  You can read more about it on my blog.
  12. Try a leg pillow for back pain.  I have also used one when my right runner's knee was cranky.  Place between knees as you lay on the bed on your side.
  13. Put your neck in neutral.  All of those pillows push your head forward.  Keep your chin and forehead the same height in a parallel line. Put a small roll of towel or blanket under your neck for support.
  14. Save your bed for sleep and sex. Period.
  15. Block your clock.  Don't have one in the room if you can help it.  I struggled with getting up and looking at the clock last fall repeatedly.  Now our clock is in another room, and I sleep better.

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