Saturday, January 10, 2015

12 Ways to Transform Your Self-Talk!

In yoga we continually talk about how finding "balance" is the most important reason for practicing.  Balance, between the hard and the soft, too much and too little, is optimally the goal of every posture.  I found this list of 12 Ways to Change Your Words and tweeked it a little to fit our self-talk.  Perhaps it will be helpful to you as well.
  1. Above all else, as I practice yoga, I know God loves me and created me just the way I am.  He knew me before any one else.
  2. Realistically, my faults and weaknesses can get the best of me on hard days, but I desire to change and transform.  Therefore, I believe that God is working in my life.  He is changing me bit by bit.  I think this is like "yoga," because as I practice the postures I find myself getting stronger, more flexible, and more balanced even when I know that they are still not the way I want them to be.
  3. Since God loves me and accepts me, I can in turn love and accept myself and others right in the present moment.  I do not have to wait to see change in order to believe it is happening.
  4. I choose to work with God to overcome my weaknesses.  Just like showing up again and again on my mat says to me, "Don't give up....don't give up...don't give up."  I am not alone.  God is right there with me.  Sometimes I feel closer to Him there than anywhere else because I am most vulnerable and He is the most STRONG.
  5. Everyone has faults, good days, and bad days.  I frequently say, "Sometimes we fly like a ROCK Star and sometimes we fall like a ROCK."  I am not a failure just because I am imperfect.  I am a work in progress.
  6. You must show up to go up or grow up as you see it.  No matter how many times I stumble, the goal is not to GIVE UP because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me.
  7. I like myself.  No, I don't like everything about me, and my "to-do" list on fixing my imperfections could go on forever.  I choose each day to like myself right where I am.  I want to change, but if I reject myself--the change will cease, and I will get stuck.
  8. God has a GOOD plan for my life, my family, my yoga practice, and my spiritual walk.  I will be all I can be for His Glory.  He has gifted me with talents and abilities, and I pledge to see those gifts used to help others.
  9. I am nothing.  Yet, I am everything!  In my own strength, I falter and fail, but in God's Strength and Ability, I have staying power.
  10. He sustains me just like in a yoga pose that I don't like or want to do, I think to myself, "One more breath....just one more breath."  In life, when I want to throw up my hands and quit, i remember that I am not alone.  He is my sustainer.
  11. No competition.  No comparison!  It steals my joy, my contentment, and my feelings of happiness or peace.  I refuse this moment to be controlled by what I think other people think of me.  Even if they totally reject me or as Brian would say, "Throw me under the bus," I am going to be okay.  This is my path.
  12. As long as I keep believing, God has promised never to let me go.  He affirms my value even if I forget to set my intention to be positive.  "I can do, I can do, I can do!"  Philippians 4:13
I hope these 12 affirmations are a blessing to you.  I would love to hear back from you.  May God bless you and keep you!  May God make His Face to shine upon you. May God give you peace that passes all understanding....
I might add, "May God help you get to yoga because the hardest part is showing up."
Jeanne K
Saturday, January 10:
9:00 a.m.  Vigorous Vinyasa with weights
10:30 a.m.  Chakra Yoga for the Core
12:00 p.m.  Happy Hips and Hamstrings

Sunday, January 11:
12:00 p.m.  Yoga Warriors (free to military/veterans) and everyone else pays $5
2:30 p.m.  Yoga Mix
4:15 p.m.  Keep Family Yoga is dwindling in numbers and will go off the schedule with less than 6 in a class.

​"Be the change you want to see."  Gandhi

Jeanne K. Doss;
ERYT 200/Yoga Alliance; Certified Personal Trainer/Cooper Institute; Pilates and Aerobics certifications; Zumba training Level 1 and Gold; YogaFit 1 and 2; Yoga Therapy Certification Level 1
"Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked."
(The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)

With over 30 class offerings a week, we have a practice designed just for you at Tranquility Yoga in Owasso.  Check Facebook page daily for class themes. 

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